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普段何気なく使っているcurlですが 便利なオプション(-w, –write-out)が意外と知られていないと思いましたので、紹介したいと思います。


curl –helpコマンドを実行してみると下記のようにFORMATを利用した出力であることが記載されています。詳細は、curl –manualで確認できます。

 -w, --write-out <format> Use output FORMAT after completion
     --xattr         Store metadata in extended file attributes

curl –manualの出力結果

-w, --write-out <format>
       Make curl display information on stdout after a completed trans-
       fer. The format is a string that may contain  plain  text  mixed
       with  any  number of variables. The format can be specified as a
       literal "string", or you can have curl read the  format  from  a
       file  with  "@filename" and to tell curl to read the format from
       stdin you write "@-".

       The variables present in the output format will  be  substituted
       by  the  value or text that curl thinks fit, as described below.
       All variables are specified as %{variable_name} and to output  a
       normal  % you just write them as %%. You can output a newline by
       using \n, a carriage return with \r and a tab space with \t.

       The output will be written to standard output, but this  can  be
       switched to standard error by using %{stderr}.

       NOTE: The %-symbol is a special symbol in the win32-environment,
       where all occurrences of % must be doubled when using  this  op-

       The variables available are:

       content_type   The  Content-Type  of  the requested document, if
                      there was any.

                      The ultimate filename that curl  writes  out  to.
                      This  is only meaningful if curl is told to write
                      to a file  with  the  -O,  --remote-name  or  -o,
                      --output  option. It's most useful in combination
                      with the -J, --remote-header-name option.  (Added
                      in 7.26.0)

       ftp_entry_path The initial path curl ended up in when logging on
                      to the remote FTP server. (Added in 7.15.4)

       http_code      The numerical response code that was found in the
                      last  retrieved  HTTP(S)  or  FTP(s) transfer. In
                      7.18.2 the alias response_code was added to  show
                      the same info.

       http_connect   The numerical code that was found in the last re-
                      sponse (from a proxy) to a curl CONNECT  request.
                      (Added in 7.12.4)

       http_version   The  http  version  that  was  effectively  used.
                      (Added in 7.50.0)

       local_ip       The IP address of the local end of the  most  re-
                      cently  done  connection  - can be either IPv4 or
                      IPv6 (Added in 7.29.0)

       local_port     The local port number of the most  recently  done
                      connection (Added in 7.29.0)

       num_connects   Number  of new connects made in the recent trans-
                      fer. (Added in 7.12.3)

       num_redirects  Number of redirects that were followed in the re-
                      quest. (Added in 7.12.3)

                      The result of the HTTPS proxy's SSL peer certifi-
                      cate verification that was requested. 0 means the
                      verification was successful. (Added in 7.52.0)

       redirect_url   When an HTTP request was made without -L, --loca-
                      tion to follow redirects (or when --max-redir  is
                      met),  this  variable  will show the actual URL a
                      redirect would have gone to. (Added in 7.18.2)

       remote_ip      The remote IP address of the most  recently  done
                      connection - can be either IPv4 or IPv6 (Added in

       remote_port    The remote port number of the most recently  done
                      connection (Added in 7.29.0)

       scheme         The  URL  scheme (sometimes called protocol) that
                      was effectively used (Added in 7.52.0)

       size_download  The total amount of bytes that were downloaded.

       size_header    The total amount of bytes of the downloaded head-

       size_request   The  total  amount of bytes that were sent in the
                      HTTP request.

       size_upload    The total amount of bytes that were uploaded.

       speed_download The average download speed that curl measured for
                      the complete download. Bytes per second.

       speed_upload   The  average  upload speed that curl measured for
                      the complete upload. Bytes per second.

                      The result of the SSL peer certificate  verifica-
                      tion that was requested. 0 means the verification
                      was successful. (Added in 7.19.0)

       stderr         From this point on, the  -w,  --write-out  output
                      will  be  written  to  standard  error. (Added in

       stdout         From this point on, the  -w,  --write-out  output
                      will  be written to standard output.  This is the
                      default, but can be used  to  switch  back  after
                      switching to stderr.  (Added in 7.63.0)

                      The  time, in seconds, it took from the start un-
                      til the SSL/SSH/etc connect/handshake to the  re-
                      mote host was completed. (Added in 7.19.0)

       time_connect   The  time, in seconds, it took from the start un-
                      til the TCP connect to the remote host (or proxy)
                      was completed.

                      The  time, in seconds, it took from the start un-
                      til the name resolving was completed.

                      The time, in seconds, it took from the start  un-
                      til  the  file  transfer was just about to begin.
                      This includes all pre-transfer commands and nego-
                      tiations that are specific to the particular pro-
                      tocol(s) involved.

       time_redirect  The time, in seconds, it took for all redirection
                      steps including name lookup, connect, pretransfer
                      and transfer before  the  final  transaction  was
                      started.  time_redirect shows the complete execu-
                      tion time for multiple  redirections.  (Added  in

                      The  time, in seconds, it took from the start un-
                      til the first byte was just about  to  be  trans-
                      ferred.  This  includes time_pretransfer and also
                      the time the server needed to calculate  the  re-

       time_total     The  total time, in seconds, that the full opera-
                      tion lasted.

       url_effective  The URL that was fetched last. This is most mean-
                      ingful  if  you've  told curl to follow location:



url_effective\t\t: %{url_effective}\n
http_code\t\t: %{http_code}\n
http_connect\t\t: %{http_connect}\n
time_total\t\t: %{time_total}\n
time_namelookup\t\t: %{time_namelookup}\n
time_connect\t\t: %{time_connect}\n
time_appconnect\t\t: %{time_appconnect}\n
time_pretransfer\t\t: %{time_pretransfer}\n
time_redirect\t\t: %{time_redirect}\n
time_starttransfer\t\t: %{time_starttransfer}\n
size_download\t\t: %{size_download}\n
size_upload\t\t: %{size_upload}\n
size_header\t\t: %{size_header}\n
size_request\t\t: %{size_request}\n
speed_download\t\t: %{speed_download}\n
speed_upload\t\t: %{speed_upload}


curl -o /dev/null https://targetsite.com -w @curl_env.txt -s 


url_effective           : http://xxxxx
http_code               : 200
http_connect            : 000
time_total              : 5.130927
time_namelookup         : 5.096498
time_connect            : 5.096648
time_appconnect         : 0.000000
time_pretransfer                : 5.096674
time_redirect           : 0.000000
time_starttransfer              : 5.130713
size_download           : 12978
size_upload             : 0
size_header             : 314
size_request            : 88
speed_download          : 2529.000
speed_upload            : 0.000⏎

